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They would never get out of here today.

After Cang Mu and others suffered a lot, they actually flew back to the East China Sea Bang The map didn't have so many thoughts, and it didn't have time to care about everyone's emotions.

How could this cracked wine jug be able to hold such sacred water This wine bottle is not an ordinary thing either Jiang Shi carefully took out a drop, checked it carefully, and then took it.

This discovery made Lu Tianxiang very excited. If he continued like this, the ice energy in his body would continue to increase, and then his strength would naturally increase.

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That's it Jiang Shi's head was full of black lines, and then he smiled and said Senior, don't worry, since this is the case, I will accept it I understand, hehe.

Lu Tianxiang got excited when he mentioned this and continued to be excited He said Do you know Your sister's clone is my wife, and now your sister is marrying Xiao Yanxun.

The muzzle of the cannon lit up with a burst of bright red light, and fiercely shot out two energy waves Boom Zhao Cheng's energy was vulnerable to a blow and was directly disintegrated by Jiang Shi.

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Three days later, Jiang Shi left secretly and led Shu Yi and others to overcome the tribulation.

He, the Ant Queen, and Jiang Yue actually had wisps of black smoke coming out from their bodies.

At this time, birds and beasts chirped joyfully, like fairy music, and the bird clan led by Shang Cang finally came into view.

How could the energy of the dignified silver ring be ignored by two dragons and lions It's humans How did humans come here A dragon lion stopped fighting first and looked at Lu Tianxiang and Luo Zixun, but did not act rashly, because Luo Zixun's silver ring was not something they could easily deal with Silver Ring, you are still a child.

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Although I don't know why, your flame has changed your soul.

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Incomplete body The nine headed insect's laughter stopped suddenly, as if a stone was stuck in its throat.

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Hey, you are so happy In fact, you can't think of a way to get rid of her, so that's it Since you are happy, why don't you learn from it in the future.

Coincidentally, a senior I know is also like this.

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I've made you suffer.

He would follow him wherever he went. This was the instinct of the dragon clan after the contract. Even a young dragon who was just born knew nothing. So too.

said. Lu Tianxiang couldn't swallow a breath, so he activated the Smart Cloud to attack the man. After seeing Lu Tianxiang's speed, the man was very surprised. This speed was almost as fast as the speed of sound and it was impossible to see clearly where he was.

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By then, the Lanyan Continent will change. As for what it will become, no one knows, because if the fight continues like this, this continent will have already There are almost no high level strong men left.

Jiang Shi sat on the back of the elephant and released his immortal consciousness to communicate with the elephant.

He ran quickly in his own direction. Luo Zixun knew that Lu Tianxiang's refining of ice beads must have disturbed the powerful monsters in the Demon Moon Dark Forest.

It's no longer a secret, it has become a legend Jiang Shi listened with his ears pricked up and finally understood everything It turns out that many years ago, news of the God Killing Map spread in the fairy world Behind this news, it represents the desire of all the Immortal Emperors In the immortal world, there is an ancient legend that is known to everyone.

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From the day he founded Huofang Pavilion, he wanted to replace the Yin Yang Sect and become the overlord of the Northern Immortal Realm When this man rose to prominence, because of his cunning character and small mindedness, everyone in the fairy world called him the Rat Eyed Immortal Lord Yan Chen is an immortal king, and weight crasher acv keto gummies Chixiong is also an immortal weight crasher acv keto gummies king, but why doesn't Chixiong even dare to fart in front of Yan Chen Among the immortal kings, there are also strong and weak ones, and Yan Chen can say that there is an existence infinitely close to the immortal emperor in the immortal world In other words, Yan Chen might change his identity one day and become the Immortal Emperor.

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Transformed The two Lizard Sea brothers have transformed I am indeed the number one master among young people Yes, I can actually force the two Lizard Sea brothers to the point of transformation Jiang Shi listened to the people around him.

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Nie Fan covered his stomach and his face turned red when he laughed,, I said Uncle Shu Yi and Brother Yun Sheng are so good at swearing.

Not bad In two days, members of our sect have penetrated into the four cities of Liujinxing.

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Yan Momo has been tortured to the point where he no longer looks like a human or a ghost. He probably won't live for many days. Do you think Tianxiang will do it because of a dying person Did you fall into your trap Even Rui'er understood this. Then you go and see if that girl is dead.

Long was in the Fenglei Tower, and his thoughts seemed to go back to countless years ago, Jiang Shi, Tantai is an ancient family.

Jiang Shi opened it and saw that it turned out to be a golden feather Emperor Kunpeng, this is I, the Kunpeng clan, can spread out millions of miles with wings All the credit is due to this golden feather If you bring a golden feather, your speed will increase exponentially As for how much it can increase, You have to slowly get in touch with it Emperor Kunpeng smiled, but he was crying in his heart, because he pulled this golden feather from himself Thank you, Emperor Kunpeng This gift is very precious Jiang Shi looked at the golden feather carefully and put it away carefully.

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Zixun, you are the most generous of the women around me. I want to ask you a question. I hope you can help me think about it. Although Lu Tianxiang said this, he was still afraid that Luo Zixun would change.

Although the gravity here is much stronger than that of the outside world, to Jiang Shi, this is nothing He looked at the empty barrier and said with a smile Jie Yin Boy, I wonder how to practice this offense and defense You can't be the one to practice with me personally, right Jiang Shi looked at the short do keto gummies work webmd weight crasher acv keto gummies Jie Yin Boy and couldn't help but joked.

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The goshawk finally showed his shocked face.

The direction he glanced at was exactly where Bai Ze appeared, but he only heard his voice but could not see him What a clever way to hide the secret and confuse everything so that I can't find out After a long time, Jiang Shi gave up.

Ten years, hundreds of years, the years flew by.

Long appeared next to Jiang Shi and said while staring at the light screen in the sky.

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From this moment on, the fairy world will not protect his life.

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Could it be that because of his role as a reformer, his identity was once again suspected But this is normal, because transforming people is not the right way after all, and it is reasonable to be suspected.

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Inside. The owner of this voice was none other than Yue Le, who had escaped. Without taking care of Xuelan, she immediately escaped and told all the endings that Luo Zixun had already guessed. It's just that after Yue Le said this, he couldn't speak anymore, because Yan Yu's slight palm took away Yue Le's young life.

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Let's find a way Emperor Qiankun raised his hand and hit an ancient bell.

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He didn't know how long he had been in seclusion.

Why is this person willing to hide He is not hiding in Noblesk, but occupying it. He has occupied that place since a thousand years ago. After that, few people mentioned this place and it was forgotten. Half of his power at that time remained.

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This move has also not been used for a long time, but it has also changed a lot with the growth of ice attribute energy in the body. After Lu Tianxiang shouted, the slightly illusory ice dragon above his head opened his mouth and let out a deafening roar.

He didn't even know many things about the inherited memories of their Griffin clan. Uh This is a bit difficult to explain, so let's put it simply The underground world is actually parallel to the world we live in now, and in that world there is a clone exactly like you and me.

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Xiao Zhang scratched his head and looked at the barrier.

Except for the two rays of light in the black mist, there was no one visible around him The sky is getting darker Jiang Shi felt something was wrong.

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